Players rated under 2100 will be transfered to tournament B. FIDE ratings for 1st Februay will be considered.

I Arche Chess Open A (FIDE 2100+)

Organizator(i)SSz Cebularz Lublin
TaraPolonia ( POL )
Director turneuIM Dawid Czerw (1145746)
Arbitru sefIA Aleksander Kedzierski (1161784)
Deputy ArbiterTymoteusz Modrzejewski (1185004)
Bedenkzeit (Standard)90' + 30"
LocatieArche Hotel Lublin, Zamojska 30, Lublin
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeSistem elvetian
Calcul ratingCIV, Elo
Data2025/02/23 La 2025/03/01
Program de imperechereSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogFisierul Swiss-Manager

Ultima actualizare23.01.2025 14:38:09, Creator/Last Upload: Aleksander Kedzierski

Selectia turneului
OPEN A (FIDE 2100+)
OPEN B (FIDE 1601-2099)
OPEN C (FIDE 1600-)
LinkuriRegistration, Regulations - EN, Link la calendarul de turnee
Selectia parametrilor Fara detalii ale turneului, Arata steagurile , Link la calendarul de turnee
ListeLista de start, Lista alfabetica a jucatorilor, Statistici per tara, partide, titluri, Alphabetical list all groups, Programul de joc
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